Maximizing Your Maintenance Contract

Whether you’re a building owner or operations manager, you’re constantly on the move.

Trying to keep pace with so many moving parts can be overwhelming when you’re trying to keep an office, high rise or retail space operational for everyone from tenants and workers to shoppers. There are security, safety, fire prevention, janitorial, landscaping and expansion challenges as well as HVAC, electrical and plumbing system management obstacles.

There’s also the challenge of elevator operator maintenance – and it’s a big one. This facet of building operations alone can seem like a full time job. This includes the management of your elevator maintenance service supplier and the contract they must abide by for operational efficiency. As you are well aware, if your conveyances stop, so does everyone who relies on your building. 

Read on to learn more about managing elevator operator maintenance – and for details about a free webinar on this topic. 

There’s so much riding on a properly operating elevator.

The statistics are eye opening: According to the National Elevator Industry, 900,000 units (that translates to one elevator per 344 users) in the U.S. travel 1.36 billion miles per year. Add to this the fact that on average there are five people per elevator ride and each passenger takes an estimated four rides per day. 

Elevators are the most complex mechanical and technology system in any building. It’s the job of your elevator maintenance service supplier to maintain compliance and operational efficiency of all your conveyances to keep passengers safely moving in the right direction. 

While the maintenance service supplier manages the operations of your conveyances, how do you ensure they are keeping up with everything properly and by the contract? Let’s review some of the best practices for the proper, efficient and comprehensive management of your elevator maintenance supplier. 

Tips for finding the right elevator maintenance supplier. 

A good elevator maintenance supplier looks out for more than just the operational efficiencies of your conveyance systems, they will also keep an eye out for your best business interests. Your supplier should possess all of the following traits:

  • An intimate knowledge of your building and conveyances. A specific team should be assigned to your buildings. 

  • A technical infrastructure knowledge about your conveyance systems and an understanding of the specific parts required.

  • The implementation of a preventative maintenance program that maximizes operational uptime and delivers conveyance longevity. 

  • An ability to facilitate problem-solving procedures to determine the source of a conveyance system breakdown. 

  • A plan for quickly procuring parts necessary for repairs to minimize costly downtime and public/customer frustration.

  • A transparent communications approach that keeps you updated on code issues, conveyance performance (uptime data), recommended preventative maintenance and callout rates. 

  • Delivery of monthly updates with detailed insights into what’s working with your conveyance system and opportunities for improvement. 

The fine print: What should be in your elevator maintenance supplier contract. 

Your elevator maintenance supplier contract is a promise to fulfill designated service offerings and requirements. Making sure you understand – and negotiate – what is and isn’t covered will be critical to your ongoing success. For example, be sure to know if your service contract is performance-based measured or by unscheduled service outages. Look for opportunities to maximize discounts and include mutually agreed upon “out clauses” should you become dissatisfied with the level of service you are receiving. 

A good contract will also include:

  • Key service parameters that the supplier must deliver.

  • A detailed plan for the inspection and preventative maintenance of all moving parts. 

  • An uptime percentage that all of your elevators should be operational. Ideally this should be 99.5% uptime with .5% of time dedicated to maintenance. 

  • Reference to an elevator database that includes a listing of all equipment, age, condition, usage patterns and maintenance reports. 

  • A description of code requirements specific to your municipalities. 

Trust us to elevate your business.

If all of this seems like a lot to manage and a bit overwhelming, you’re not alone. At ATIS, we specialize in consulting with businesses like yours to help manage your elevator maintenance supplier and contract to make sure you are always getting the most from your investment. Contact us now if you are ready to start the process. 


Elevator Maintenance Regulatory Changes in Ontario


Ontario Elevator Code Changes in 2022